Overview: In this site, you will find an introduction to my adventures in Digital Storytelling (My Adventures) and the video that I created for English 697 - Writing With Video (My Story).
The requirements for the class included analysis of others' videos and websites, storyboarding, practice with adding music or narration or pictures/video, and reflection on the process.
Eventually, I want to write a memoir called Gotcha Day about my birth, adoption, and childhood and sprinkle it with bits of stories of other people's adoptions. The creation of this video was inspired by this desire to write an entire book. The video is comprised of photographs from my childhood and music from freemusicarchives.com.
The requirements for the class included analysis of others' videos and websites, storyboarding, practice with adding music or narration or pictures/video, and reflection on the process.
Eventually, I want to write a memoir called Gotcha Day about my birth, adoption, and childhood and sprinkle it with bits of stories of other people's adoptions. The creation of this video was inspired by this desire to write an entire book. The video is comprised of photographs from my childhood and music from freemusicarchives.com.
Digital Storytelling, Winter-Mini 2016-17, Texas A&M-Commerce, a graduate-level course taught by Dr. Shannon Carter.